MariaDB Import CSV
Afternoon Folks
I am trying to import a CSV into a table on MariaDB
The columns on the table are
MariaDB [snipeit]> show columns from locations;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| name | text | YES | | NULL | |
| city | varchar(191) | YES | | NULL | |
| state | varchar(191) | YES | | NULL | |
| country | varchar(191) | YES | | NULL | |
| created_at | timestamp | YES | | NULL | |
| updated_at | timestamp | YES | | NULL | |
| user_id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| address | varchar(191) | YES | | NULL | |
| address2 | varchar(191) | YES | | NULL | |
| zip | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| deleted_at | timestamp | YES | | NULL | |
| parent_id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| currency | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
| ldap_ou | varchar(191) | YES | | NULL | |
| manager_id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| image | varchar(191) | YES | | NULL | |
The CSV looks like
id name city state country created_at updated_at user_id address address2 zip deleted_at parent_id currency ldap_ou manager_id image
id is blank
But the warning shows
MariaDB [snipeit]> show warnings;
| Level | Code | Message |
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id' at row 1 |
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'created_at' at row 1 |
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'updated_at' at row 1 |
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect integer value: 'NULL' for column 'user_id' at row 1 |
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'deleted_at' at row 1 |
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect integer value: 'NULL' for column 'parent_id' at row 1 |
| Warning | 1366 | Incorrect integer value: 'NULL' for column 'manager_id' at row 1
Any idea why this would be? I thought if a field has NULL I can use NULL on it?
The command I used to import is
load data local infile '/media/Share1/CSV_Files/test.csv' into TABLE locations fields terminated by ',' ignore 1 lines;
There are lots of mistakes :
- Your csv specify 17 columns and your second line (first row of data) has 16 values which means "testname" is used to match the first column ID You should remove "id".
- Your command indicates "fields terminated by ','" but your fields aren't separated by ','. You should separate them with comma.
- Columns in your csv file don't match columns you have shown to us with "show columns from locations"
Then try to load your file again and tell us if there are other errors.
What you might want to do is :
name,city,state,country,created_at,updated_at,user_id,address,address2,zip,deleted_at,parent_id,currency,ldap_ou, manager_id,image;
And use the following command :
load data local infile '/media/Share1/CSV_Files/test.csv' into TABLE locations fields terminated by ',' LINE TERMINATED BY ";" ignore 1 lines;
EDIT : Your command should specify columns that appears in your csv file like this (in the right order !!):
load data local infile '/media/Share1/CSV_Files/test.csv' into TABLE locations(name,city,state,country,created_at,updated_at,user_id,address,address2,zip,deleted_at,parent_id,currency,ldap_ou,manager_id,image) fields terminated by ',' LINE TERMINATED BY ";" ignore 1 lines;
EDIT 2 :
When reading data with LOAD DATA, empty or missing columns are updated with ''. To load a NULL value into a column, use \N in the data file. The literal word NULL may also be used under some circumstances. See Section 13.2.7, “LOAD DATA Syntax”.
So your csv should look like :
name,city,state,country,created_at,updated_at,user_id,address,address2,zip,deleted_at,parent_id,currency,ldap_ou, manager_id,image;
EDIT 3 : It may be the final solution. Do not specify id field in the csv file as just above in EDIT 2. And use the following command :
load data local infile '/media/Share1/CSV_Files/test.csv'
into table locations
fields terminated by ','
line terminated by ";"
ignore 1 lines
set id = null;
는 입니다.auto_increment
필드 자동으로 생성됩니다.삭제해야 합니다.id
CSV 파일의 컬럼을 지정합니다.
ReferenceURL :
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